A SPARQL Client with Templates, One-Liners, and Application Programming Interfaces
SPARQL is a key component of the Semantic Web, and its reusability is crucial for maximizing productivity on the Semantic Web. While an increasing number of datasets have been published in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the SPARQL standard allows for an interoperable framework for querying the RDF datasets, the reuse of SPARQL queries remains limited. Herein, we present SPANG, a framework used to facilitate the reuse of SPARQL queries by using a template engine, one-liner functionalities, and application programming interfaces. We demonstrate its use for making SPARQL queries more reusable; assign a set of metadata for annotating a SPARQL query, which enables the identification of the SPARQL query and provides useful information for the query; parameterize SPARQL queries, which makes each query reusable under different settings; assign a URI for each query; and construct a server for providing the indices of SPARQL queries. SPANG makes SPARQL queries more reusable in the local system or across the Web and facilitate the construction of an eco-system wherein SPARQL queries are shared to maximize the productivity of Semantic Web developers and users.